Find below a listing of my recent projects.

Colin Stern
Visualizations of the TSA Claims dataset of lost baggage. Final project from a graduate course in data visualization.
Colin Stern, SeihakRithy Muth, Seydeh Arta Razavi, David Zagreda, Jeremy Lee, Brendan Shaughnessy
Web application that allows students to trade textbooks. Final project from a web programming course.
Colin Stern, Emi Yu, Andrew Wang, Johnny Tian-Zheng Wei
An application that predictsg whether an inputted hackathon project will win a prize at a hackathon. Presented at Hampshire College's HampHack.
Colin Stern, Emi Yu, Andrew Wang, Johnny Tian-Zheng Wei
An application that turns internet news articles into Yo Mamma jokes. Won the IBM Bluemix Award at the HackUMass Hackathon.